Add Page Numbers In Word 2016

Posted May 12, 2019 by Sheraz Ali in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word

How Add Page Numbers In Word 2016

Whether you’re creating the manuscript of your first novel or working on a research proposal, learning how to add page numbers in Word is an essential part of the formatting process.

Beginning the numbering from page 1 isn’t always required. Sometimes, the first few pages cover the monologue, or dedications, etc. etc. In these cases, you have to add page numbers to a specific page. It could be page number 4 or 5 depending upon your source material.


This is why in this tutorial we will discuss how to add page numbers in word to both the first page and a page residing in the middle or the end. You won’t have to turn to other incomplete tutorials for guidance after going through this one.

How to Add Page Numbers in Word From the First Page

Add Page Numbers in Headers or Footers in Microsoft Word. By Avantix Learning Team Updated February 17, 2021. Applies to: Microsoft ® Word ® 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365 (Windows) You can add page numbers in Word documents at the top or bottom of pages in headers or footers. Microsoft Word allows page orientation to be controlled by Section Breaks. Headers and footers are the most common place used to insert and position page numbers and are controlled by linking and unlinking the header/footer area for each section. On the Insert tab, click the Page Number command. Open the Top of Page, Bottom of Page, or Page Margin menu, depending on where you want the page number to be positioned. Then select the desired style of header. Page numbering will appear.

PageHow to add page numbers in word 2016

If you want to start numbering from the first page, here’s what you will have to do.

1. Open the MS Word Document.

2. Go to the Insert Tab.

3. Locate and select the Page Numbers option.

4. Select where you want the page number to appear. You have four options here.

  • Top of page: In this option, you further have the choice to place page numbers in the center, far-left and right.
  • Bottom of page: Again, you either add page numbers in the bottom-left, right and center of the page.
  • Current Position: You can begin numbering from where your cursor is currently placed.
  • Page Margins

You can also remove page numbers and format them from this drop-down menu.

Note: In the newer versions of Microsoft Word, such as MS Word 2016 and MS Word 2019, the option to add page numbers might appear in the Design Tab. Alternatively, you can also click at the top or a bottom of a page to materialize this menu.

How to Add Page Numbers in Word Starting from a Specific Page

1. Go to the page you want to start numbering from. For the sake of this tutorial, we will choose page No. 4.

2. Click on its beginning.

3. Go to the Page Layout tab at the top.

4. Locate the Breaks pane and select Breaks>Next page. This will create a section break, which is essentially a green light to start a new section on the exact spot your cursor is placed.

5. Go back to the top and open the Insert tab.

6. Choose the spot – top, bottom, etc. – where you want your numbering to appear. I’m going to select Bottom of Page just to show you how things work.

How to add page numbers in word 2016 for mac

7. You will observe that all your pages have been numbered, including the first page. We don’t want word to count pages on its own, so here’s what we will do.

8. Click Link to the Previous Section in the same Design tab and make sure it is not highlighted yellow.

9. Backspace numbers from the previous pages: 1,2, and 3. These are the pages we don’t to number. Fujitsu scansnap ix500 driver.

Add Numbers In Word 2016

10. Navigate back to the Insert tab and go to Page Number> Format Page Numbers…

11. Set Start at to 1.

That’s how you can add page numbers in word without a hassle.

How to Number Specific Pages in Word: Youtube Tutorial

If you’re still not sure how to follow these steps, you can check out this video tutorial for additional guidance.

About Sheraz Ali

An established copywriter, with a longstanding experience in a vast array of industries, including but not limited to spirituality, technology, cannabis and travel.
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How to add page numbers in word 2016

Lesson 14: Modifying Page Numbers in Word


Modifying page numbers in Word

If you're having trouble with page numbers in Microsoft Word, you're not alone. We've received tons of comments and questions from learners like you on our Page Numbers video.

One of the most common questions is How do I restart or reformat my page numbers partway through the document? Apparently, this is a common problem for students who are working on academic papers. Ees engineering equation solver free.

Your comments prompted us to look for an answer, and we found one. Special thanks to Jessica, who discovered the solution while proofreading dissertations in her spare time.

Modifying page numbers with section breaks

The key to using different types of numbering in the same document is section breaks. Once you've added a section break to your document (you can add as many as you need), you'll be able to restart your page numbers there and/or apply a different style.

Add Page Number In Header Word 2016

Here's an overview of the steps you need to follow. These steps should work for Word 2007, Word 2010, and Word 2013.

How To Add Page Numbers In Word 2016

  1. Place your cursor on the page where you want the first section to end.
  2. Go to the Page Layout tab, then click the Breaks command.
  3. Choose Next Page from the menu.
  4. A section break will be added, creating a new section on the next page.
  5. To continue, select your header or footer in the new section.
  6. Go to the Design tab, and deselect the Link to Previous command.
  7. Now you can modify the page numbers in your new section depending on what you need. To restart your numbering, click the Page Number command, then choose Format Page Numbers. From there, you'll be able to select Start at: 1.
  8. To reformat your numbering, select the page number, then go back to the Home tab. You can change the font, color, size, and more.

For more information, read our Page Numbers lesson from our Word 2016 tutorial.
