Dune 2

  1. Dune 2021 Cast

Game information

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty (retitled Dune II: Battle for Arrakis in Europe and for the Mega Drive/Genesis port) is a Dune video game developed by Westwood Studios and released by Virgin Interactive in Jan 1, 1992. It is based upon David Lynch's 1984 movie Dune, an adaptation of Frank Herbert's science fiction novel of the same name. Dune II is often considered the first mainstream modern real-time strategy game and established many conventions of the genre. Even though set in Frank Herbert's famous Dune universe, the game is only loosely connected to the plot of any of the books or the films based from them.

Dune 2 vst
Also known as:
  • Dune 2 (informal title)
  • Dune II: The Battle for Arrakis (European title)
  • Dune II: Der Kampf um Arrakis (German title)
Category:Real-Time Strategy
More details:MobyGames
Violence:This game includes violence
Part of group:
DOSBox:Supported (show details)

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executable: GO.BAT
Configured for DOSBox
Non-playable demo
1,928 kB
(1.88 MB)
Extras from Westwood FTP
6,410 kB
(6.26 MB)


Once the demo starts, it will prompt to select sound device. If in DOSBox, press 3 for best sound quality. Then press 1 to use the extended memory.

The Extras archive contains files from Westwood Studios FTP site.



Description (by Westwood Studios)

Inspired by the best selling science fiction adventure of all time, this simulation-strategy game takes resource management to epic proportions. As either the honorable Atreides, the mysterious Ordos or the brutal Harkonnens, you must overcome violent known and unknown adversaries to build up military prowess, political security and mining monopolies to secure the future of your dynasty on the planet of DUNE.

Forget turn-based strategy games of the past. Dune II: The Building of Dynasty puts you in the middle of the action in this real-time game with plenty of combat. With an easy to use interface, issuing orders to take out a sonic tank was never so easy, or fun. And there's more than just a few tanks in your path to total victory. You'll go up against the best the enemy has to offer, with more than 20 different units to command. Orders are immediate, your response time must be quick, and the enemy can be extremely brutal.

And since you get to select who your enemies are, replay value is extremely high in Dune II. Will you choose to ally yourself with House Atreides, a passive yet extremely loyal people? Maybe the savage Harkonnens are more to your liking. Their history of violence and fear have worked well in past conflicts, and will undoubtedly serve them well on DUNE. Or, are you more comfortable using weapons of trickery and deception? House Ordos is known for their success in sabotage and terrorism. Regardless of what side you fight for, there will be plenty of missions to command before victory is yours.

Game links

  • FED2k (Dune Universe fan site) tip
  • Dune 2 - The Maker (fan remake of Dune II)


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Dune 2 vst

Dune is based on acomplex imagined society set roughly 20,000 yearsin the future. The setting is the year 10,191,and human beings have spread out and colonized planets throughoutthe universe. On the planet Caladan, Duke Leto of the House of Atreidesis preparing to leave for his new position as the governor of Arrakis,a desert planet with valuable resources of melange, a spice drugthat is extremely popular with wealthy people. Leto and his family,including his concubine, Jessica, and his son, Paul, suspect a trapby their rivals, the Harkonnens, led by Baron Harkonnen. Leto decidesto settle on Arrakis because of its rich supplies of melange, despitewarnings from his men, including his adviser, Thufir Hawat, andhis master-of-arms, Gurney Halleck.


The Atreides arrive on Arrakis and the duke quickly movesto secure the planet from a Harkonnen attack. His main plan is to enlistthe Fremen, the tough natives of the Arrakeen desert, as soldiersand advisers. Meanwhile, Paul’s and Jessica’s special abilities intriguethe Fremen. Jessica is a member of the Bene Gesserit, a school ofquasi-mystical witches with strange powers. The Fremen believe thatJessica and her son are saviors who have come to lead them towardcreating a lush paradise on the dry Arrakis.

Dr. Yueh, a member of the Atreides house, betrays them.The Harkonnens arrive and wipe most of the Atreides out by using Sardaukar,the super-soldiers of the emperor, who is secretly helping the Harkonnens.The traitor, Dr. Yueh, hands Duke Leto over to the baron, but inhis guilt he helps Jessica and Paul escape. Dr. Yueh places a secrettooth in Duke Leto’s mouth. Duke Leto dies by emitting poison gasfrom the secret tooth, in a failed attempt to kill the baron. Hawatand Halleck escape as well. Halleck joins the local smugglers whileHawat attempts to join the Fremen, but Hawat is captured by theHarkonnens. He then agrees to work for Baron Harkonnen as a Mentat,or thinker, while secretly plotting his revenge against the baronand against Jessica, who he thinks betrayed Duke Leto.

Dr. Kynes, a Fremen leader and planetary ecologist, ordersthe Fremen to find Jessica and Paul. The Fremen capture and then quicklyaccept Jessica and Paul as their destined leaders. Jessica becomestheir reverend mother, while Paul is recognized as something closeto a religious prophet. Paul takes the name Muad’Dib, a religioustitle that means mouse. As he matures swiftly following his father’sdeath, Paul discovers he has great powers above and beyond thoseof his mother. He can see into both the future and the distant past.His consumption of melange heightens his powers.

Two years pass. The baron, living on the Harkonnen home world,schemes to usurp the emperor, while grooming one of his own nephews,Feyd-Rautha, to take over the job. Meanwhile, on Arrakis, Paul hasbecome very powerful and influential among the Fremen. He is boththeir secular and religious leader, like Kynes before him, but hispowers are far greater than those of Kynes. He has a child witha Fremen woman, Chani, the daughter of Kynes, and his mother hasgiven birth to Alia, Duke Leto’s daughter. Paul teaches the Fremento fight using a special style called the “weirding way” and usingthe advanced fighting techniques of the Bene Gesserit. One day,the Fremen discover that the baron has abandoned his aid to Rabban,the nephew he assigned to rule over Arrakis. Paul and the Fremenmake plans to raid the Arrakeen capital now that Rabban is cut offfrom the baron’s help.

Dune 2021 Cast

Upon discovering the power of the Fremen, the emperorhimself comes to Arrakis, along with his Sardaukar and the Harkonnens. TheFremen attack the emperor, quickly dismantling his spaceships whiledestroying the Sardaukar. In the battle, Alia kills Baron Harkonnen,and Paul’s young son dies in a raid. Paul demands that the emperorstep down; Paul asks to marry the emperor’s daughter, Irulan, sothat he may become the new emperor. Feyd-Rautha challenges Paul,citing the right of vengeance, and Paul kills him in a duel. Powerlessnow, the emperor agrees to Paul’s demands, and Paul becomes thenew emperor.