Kindergarten By Smashgames

  1. Kindergarten Smashgames
  2. Kindergarten By Smash Games Nugget Plush
  3. Kindergarten By Smash Games
  4. Kindergarten Smashgames Free
  5. Kindergarten 2 By Smash Games

The Kinderzine is a fanzine for the video game Kindergarten 2 by SmashGames! This is a non-official, non-profit, volunteer-run project, and Kinderzine is in no way affiliated with the Kindergarten or Kindergarten 2 game franchise, or with SmashGames. The zine is fully digital and will not be available in physical printed copies. It is SFW PG13 and will be available for the public at zero cost.

Kindergarten - (check 'i'm not a robot', press continue, wait 10 seconds)India link - Winrar - Cindy and Nugget belong to Con man games and smashgames The game (Kindergarten 1 & 2) belongs to con man games and Smashgames. Kindergarten Simulator - is an abstract puzzle adventure game. You play as a student in a school that’s a bitoff. The teacher is trying to get rid of her kids. The janitor is frequently seen cleaning up blood. The cafeteria is serving the same slop over and over again. Kids are walking around with strange devices planted on them after.

We’re currently looking for people to contribute as artists and writers, and for a few people to help with the mod team! Please check out the [FAQ] if you have any questions, and check out the other [links] for more information!



  • Finish and submit your illustrations within or on the deadline
  • Draw your pieces according to the correct sizing and quality specifications
  • Be responsible for following the theme of your assigned drawing prompt, focusing on mostly that specific character or the mission events
  • May create additional pieces related to Kindergarten 2, but not as strictly adhering to the canon game
  • Cover artist(s) must complete a graphically interesting illustration that will be displayed at the very front/back of the zine (basically there are higher standards if you do want to be a cover artist)
  • Be able to work amicably with everyone, do not cause issues with any of the zine members


  • Finish and submit your fanfics within or on the deadline
  • Write within the 2500 word limit
  • Be responsible for following the theme of your assigned writing prompt, focusing on mostly that specific character or the mission events
  • May create additional pieces related to Kindergarten 2, but not as strictly adhering to the canon game
  • If wanting to collab with an artist, you are expected to communicate well with the artist and talk to the mods to initiate this arrangement
  • Be able to work amicably with everyone, do not cause issues with any of the zine members


Kindergarten By Smashgames
  • Be aware and mentally prepared that you are applying for what’s essentially a volunteer job. As in, an actual job that qualifies as a form of work in which you will be hired to accomplish specific tasks based on your application
  • Also know that at the end of the day, this is a just-for-fun project that will likely be more lax than any “official” jobs you have in your life considering I know most of the people in this fandom are young minors. You will not be worked unreasonably, and I’ll be personally checking in to make sure you’re not uncomfortable or stressed with anything you’re asked to do, but you will still have certain responsibilities and expectations to uphold as a mod for the zine itself
  • Be prepared for people to ask you questions about information involving the zine. You should be able to know enough about the zine, through the links on this blog, or the FAQ– And answer questions, should you receive any. Try your best to answer them, but if you can’t, you can always direct that person to talking to the head mod instead
  • Graphic editors must have a sufficient portfolio to be considered as part of the graphics team. You should be familiar with using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and/or InDesign– or an equivalent software. If not any of those, then you must show that you display strong graphic design skills whether from formal or informal education, in either your artwork or images/edits that use graphic design qualities
  • Writing editors must show skill and fluency with the English language, and pay attention to details such as typos and grammar. You should provide written works you have proofread, beta’d, or revised in some way. However, also be prepared for the possibility you may not be considered if there aren’t also people applying as graphic editors as explained in [this post]
  • Be able to work amicably with everyone, do not cause issues with any of the zine members, and do not abuse your power at any point; directed at any Discord mods especially


  1. Take care of yourself first and foremost. If there’s anything going on in your life, if it’s too much work to handle, if you just can’t bring yourself to create anything, absolutely feel free to step down from contributing. Please try not to do this right before the deadline, but unexpected stuff happens sometimes and it’s alright.
  2. This zine is SFW PG13. Sexual content is absolutely not allowed. Blood, gore, violence, and dark humour is allowed considering the canon game’s content, but it will be prefaced by a trigger warning before the page that this happens for art, or before the story for fanfics.
    —–In order to put in the trigger warnings, please let us know in advance that you’re planning to draw or write something potentially triggering to others so we can plan the page layout accordingly.
  3. If you change your mind about what you want to draw or write about, please run it through the head mod (Louillan) first.
  4. Please keep your content mostly canon focused. You can make additional works where things like non-canon ships, AUs, or OCs can be included. There are only a limited amount of slots for this, however.
  5. Please try to finish your art/fics before or on the due date. There will be periodical check-ins where a mod will see how much you’ve completed. Depending on the circumstances, there may be extensions in the future. The dates for everything will be kept track of in the [schedule]post and in the Discord server.
  6. Max word count for fanfics is 2500 words.
  7. The zine is entirely digital, so keep in mind it will not be printed or physically shipped to anyone. Contributors will get the PDF link early, though.
  8. You can submit older artwork created before the zine’s production. As long as it fits the page dimensions, or you’re okay with cropping the art so that it fits. Older fanfics are fine as is, provided it’s canon-based unless you’re submitting it as an additional work.
  9. Your content is your own and you’re allowed to post it before the zine publishes, if you choose to do so.
  10. Contributors have the creative freedom to make anything they want within themissions/characters that get assigned. If that’s too broad and you can’t think of anything to draw/write, let one of the mods know and we can give you a more specific prompt.
  11. Page dimensions are included in the [FAQ]
6 months ago

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Kindergarten Smashgames

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Kindergarten By Smash Games Nugget Plush

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Kindergarten By Smash Games

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Kindergarten by smashgames

Kindergarten 2 By Smash Games

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