Open Teamviewer On Startup

Start Menu in TeamViewer


Open Teamviewer On Startup Programs

  • I was using Teamviewer version 9 and there is option Start TeamViewer with system. By enabling this option, teamviewer register as a system service and automatically start with the system. Reboot system and it starts with the system before logging in. In Teamviewer 11, it can be enabled from the main desk.
  • The devilspie daemon is set to start up automatically during system start and teamviewer is set to start automatically via System - Preferences - Startup Applications (click Add, command: teamviewer). It would be great if the developers of TeamViewer would integrate a start minimized switch for linux though.
  • Test TeamViewer Remote Management 14 days for free and without any feature limitations! No obligations, no credit card necessary. Start your free trial!
255 discussion posts
I often use TeamViewer to connect to my three-monitor system. I find that the Start menu only works on Monitor 1. On Monitor 2 or 3, I click the Start button but nothing appears.
Has anyone else run into this?
Which version of Windows are you running on the remote machine? I'll test this out here
Thanks! I've tested it out here and the Start menu seems to work fine on all monitors on the remote machine. If you restart DisplayFusion on the remote machine, does that make any difference?
I killed and restarted DF and no difference. Next step - reboot remote machine. Will report back shortly.

No change. What info do you need from me?
Can you attach a debug log after reproducing the issue? Here are the steps:
  • On the Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to 'Logging: Important Only'
  • Restart DisplayFusion
  • The next time it occurs, note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Send us the DisplayFusion.log and DebugInfo.html files (can be found by clicking the Open Log button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Here you go. I didn't have to wait to reproduce, since I can reproduce it on demand.
One interesting thing I just discovered. The Windows key works. It shows the Start button on the DF taskbar.
In the debug log should be:
    Click Start button - no menu
    Press Windows key - menu appeared
    Click Start button - no menu
    Click Start button - no menu
Attachment [protected]: DebugInfo.html [113,449 bytes]
Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [315,982 bytes]
Ok, we've figured out the issue here. It has to do with having the 'Disable Remote Input' option in TeamViewer blocking the simulated Win key press that DF sends when you click the Start button. We'll get it fixed up, but in the meantime, you can enable the 'Invoke Start menu using simulated click' option in the Advanced Settings > Taskbar section of DF to work around this
That at least worked around the problem. Thanks for the tip!
We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version ( and this issue should be all fixed up. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.
Turned the setting off and it still shows. Once, it showed on the wrong monitor, but let's ignore that until (if) I can reproduce it.
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Open Teamviewer On Startup Computer

Auto tune efx 3 download torremt. My ford touch 3.10. Teamviewer -daemon disable disable TeamViewer daemon - don't start daemon on system startup teamviewer -daemon enable enable TeamViewer daemon - start daemon on system startup (default) Now we will check ID number for calling remotely our device and the current status of teamviewer daemon in our computer.