Read A Graphic Novel On Your Kindle

With the accessibility of Kindle and eBookreading devices, our readership habits have changed measurably over thelast few years. Many of us are returning to the types of fiction weread as kids. Comic books are becoming popular again. And for thosethat like extended version of comics, the graphic novel may be more toyour liking. If so, you're in luck that genre has found a newhome on Kindle, just in time for the holiday season.
In reviewing some of the most intriguing new graphic novels, I uncovered a treasure trove of imaginative works, some of which can only be found on Kindle - and, at a very reasonable cost. Out of the hundreds currently available in the Kindle Library, I have selected a TOP TEN list I think you might like to read or present as a gift. All of these fine works can be purchased within seconds with just a simple download, whether or not you physically own a Kindle (see more info on free downloads of Kindle for PCs at the end of this blog).
After you have reviewed this list, please vote for your favorite in our Top Ten Graphic Novels On Kindle POLL at the end of the blog.

You can read all these on your Kindle Paperwhite. A few special features improve the reading experience for these kinds of visual documents. Panel view: In a book with multiple panels on a page, you can double-tap the screen to enlarge each panel to full-screen for an optimized reading experience. Doom Patrol (1987-1995) Vol. 1: Crawling From the Wreckage. Avengers: Vision and the Scarlet Witch (Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1982)) Hellstrom: Evil Origins. New Mutants Epic Collection: The Demon Bear Saga (New Mutants (1983-1991)) The Boys Vol. 1: The Name of the Game (Garth Ennis' The Boys) Horizon Zero Dawn #1.

1- Crude Behavior ($4.99)

File Size: 7087 KB
Publisher: Robot Comics
KIDD MILLENNIUM is the unofficial heir to R.F. Outcault’s 19thYellow Kid century newspaper comic sensation, THE YELLOW KID. In this epic Graphic Novel sized outing, the kidd goes after the “War on Terror”, Energy Committee, the no-bid contracts, the PSAs (Production Sharing Agreements), Government-employed mercenaries, outing a CIA Agent, the firing of U.S. Justices, the relinquishment of Civil Liberties, the failings of the US' 43rd President and the continuous havoc wreaked by his nefarious VP. The denouement actually unveils the creators’ best guess for the next president of the United States to be elected in 2008 (and which, now, after you read this Graphic Novel, you’ll know if their prediction came true or not !). Read
Since this is a parody, some identifiable real life celebre-du-jours are interwoven into this tale. Any resemblance to a White House intern, an Iraqi stand up comedian and a Left Coast teen gone Mullah… is purely intentional. While the creators doubt that these micro-celebs had any direct relationship to the history that unfolds in CRUDE BEHAVIOR, they embedded them into the story for pure comic relief and as architects in moving the plot along.
CRUDE BEHAVIOR is one of the first books to expose the current geo-political scene in vibrant color (or in this Kindle edition’s case, in 16 slick shades of gray). Illustrations were provided by the award-winning artist, Jon Donohoe. (Buy here)

2- Chosen ($9.99)

File Size: 15157 KB
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
The land of the Forest Dwellers has been decimated by the Horde under the watchful eye of the vilest of all creatures, Teeleh. Thomas Hunter, supreme commander of the Forest Guard, is forced to lower the recruitment age of his army from 18 to 16. From among thousands, four new recruits are chosen to lead--and perhaps die--for the greater good.
The chosen four are sent on a quest to prove their character, but their mission takes a dramatic turn when they are intercepted, sworn to secrecy, and redirected to a different endgame. Now they must find the seven lost Books of History. Books that have power over the past, present, and future. Books whose words are alive. Books sought by the Dark One that control not only the destiny of their world . . . but that of ours as well. (Buy here)

3- Epileptic ($9.99)

Read a graphic novel on your kindle fireFile Size: 21475 KB
Publisher: Pantheon
This cartoonist's memoir of growing up in a family in which his brother's grand mal epilepsy regularly took center stage is packaged here in its entirety. He reports on the childhood adventures and interests he and his siblings shared–including warrior fantasies, a fascination with World War II, and drawing–and the family's increasing involvement in seeking help for coping with the disease of epilepsy. His brother's failure to respond for any duration to any form of treatment or to adjust to life with a chronic disease is presented with unsentimental but humane forthrightness. The heavily inked images include many hallucinatory panels, and subplots involving the grandparents' prejudices and his developing relationships outside the family. While the final difficulties revolve around the author and his inability to become a father, most of the book should appeal to both teen and adult readers. (UPDATE: No longer available as e-book, buy paperback here)

4- Ice Haven ($9.99)

File Size: 5285 KB
Publisher: Pantheon
Previously published in the independent comic-book series Eight Ball, this is a darkly comic romp through the small Midwestern town of Ice Haven. The basic story is pretty straightforward: a sad, quiet little boy named David Goldberg vanishes. But instead of delivering a pulp-inspired detective story, the author uses the child's tale mostly as a backdrop.
His real interest is in the lives of the bizarre, yet all-too-real townsfolk. They include a lovesick teen, an irritable private detective, a poet, and a schoolyard bully. Although the characters are types, the author/illustrator embellishes them enough to make them unique and memorable. Through vignettes that jump perspective every few pages, readers witness their lives and individual reactions to David's disappearance. As the point of view shifts, so does the artwork. In showing how the event affects the boy's classmates, the panels take on a style inspired by Charles Schultz's Peanuts, but the author moves into satire with a bleakly funny schoolyard of kids talking quite openly about sex, drugs, and violence. Other vignettes pull from the motifs of detective strips, teen romances, and The Flintstones. While well-read comics fans will get most of the jokes, some references may frustrate or confuse readers. Overall, though, there is plenty here to enjoy.(UPDATE: No longer available as e-book, buy paperback here.)

5- A Contract With God ($9.99)

File Size: 9871 KB
Publisher: Norton
Bornin New York in 1917, Will Eisner was the author of the legendary comicstrip 'The Spirit.' According to John Updike, 'Eisner was not onlyahead of his times - the present times are still catching up to him.' A Contract With Godis a revolutionary novel that re-creates the neighborhood of WillEisner's youth through a quartet of four interwoven stories. Expressingthe joy, exuberance, tragedy, and drama of life on the mythical DropsieAvenue of the Bronx, A Contract With God is a monumental achievement, a must in the library of any graphic novel fan. (Buy here.)

6- The Waiting Room ($.99)

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Withthe constant fluctuations in our reality, events on our Earth are boundto intersect with events on the thousands of other Earths that exist innearby frequencies. Some of these intersections are harmless - a frozenrose petal falls through a hole in Terra 7.342 and becomes a real tearduct in a Virgin Mary statue in Mexico on Terra 11.573, for example.But when a death meant for someone on one Earth wrongfully ends thelife of someone on another, the border patrol agents get involved.These agents, like Saul Terth, guide the dead to their next destinationbased on their previous life or lives. While their resumes are beingreviewed, they take a seat in the waiting room. (UPDATE: No longer published.)

7- Valentine: Episode 01 ($.99)

Valentine - Episode 1File Size: 2672 KB
Publisher: Mephisto Wax
Thisis the debut episode of the acclaimed fantasy / thriller graphic novelseries by comics writer Alex de Campi and artist Christine Larsen.During Napoleon's retreat from Russia in the War of 1812, cavalryofficers Valentine and Oscar are separated from the main army by abrutal blizzard. They think the worst thing waiting out there in thesnow for them is Death. They could not be more wrong.
The twosoldiers stumble across an ancient conflict between beings morepowerful than humanity can imagine, a conflict which now threatens toconsume the Earth and all upon it – because those who have stood in thehorror’s path, the few bastions of light, are going home. The Valentine series is available on Kindle in 13 different languages to choose from. (Buy here.)

8- Paradox ($9.94)

File Size: 4822 KB
Publisher: Arcana
Createdby screenwriter Christos N. Gage (Law & Order: SVU, Deadshot),PARADOX introduces homicide detective Sean Nault, a cop on a parallelEarth whose technology is powered exclusively by magic. Seaninvestigates a baffling series of murders committed by a means he’snever seen before: the power of science. With the aid of Lenoir – amember of the ridiculed subculture of “pragmatists” who believe scienceis more than the stuff of myths and children’s stories – and the 130year old sorcerer Winston Churchill, Sean uncovers an apocalyptic plotthat will lead him to another dimension – ours – and the realizationthat, unless he prevents it, both earths could well be destroyed. (Buy here.)

9- Duo Play ($5.00)

File Size: 8791 KB
Publisher: DDH LLC
Suspense,erotic, mystic, vivid graphical, Duo Play is a computer graphic novelthat uses 3D techniques to create the new visual effect, that is new toreaders who love graphic novels, and even text novels.
Thispsychological thriller has all the elements of suspense, drama, andtwists with erotic touch. A beautiful piano tutor Alice Castel entersthe home of Russel’s family. The mystery begins at the first night whenAlice Castel hears the noise coming from upstairs……
This 144pages graphic novel uses subtitles instead of traditional dialoguebubbles for readers to view each artistic page. The 3D software hasdone a great job to compose such wonderful images through the wholebook. The story itself is full of relentless surprises. (Buy here.)

10- Novo ($3.00)

Graphic Novel Definition

NovoFile Size: 3388 KB
Publisher: Alterna Comics Inc
TheAquans and Terans spent their existences blaming each other for theirown faults, warring until there was only one Aquan, a male, and oneTeran, a female. Together in love and desperation, they created Novo -a savior born to a world that no longer had use for one. Now trying todiscover a history he will never be a part of, can the mystery of hispast give him the clues to his future? (Buy here.)

Graphic Novel Marvel

For those who currently do not own a Kindle and would like to to test the Kindle waters without incurring a major purchase, 'Kindle for PC' is offering free downloads of their online versions (for Windows 7, Vista and XP).
For those of you that still have a hole burning through your holiday pocket, the actual Kindle can be purchased at Amazon for the low, low price of less than $150..
So,there you have this year's wrap-up of graphic novels that have beenadapted for Kindle's easy reading device. Please do take our readershipPOLL, and let us know which title from the TOP TEN list was mostappealing to you. And please do leave us a comment or review if youhave read any of these fine graphic novels or know of one that I mighthave missed. Look forward to your feedback and Happy Holiday Reading.