Toontown Online Launcher

Toontown Online LauncherToontown Online Launcher

Toontown Online Memories Jul 17, 2018 Toontown Rewritten is a free-to-play revival of Disney's Toontown Online. Toontown is a massively multiplayer online game built for kids, teens, and adults of all ages. Apr 16, 2015 BobwontRolle, KingRandomGuy, shawnanasatio and I are working on a Mod that adds Toontown Stuff to Minecraft. So far we have several types of Gags and 4 types. Toontown Rewritten is a free-to-play revival of Disney's Toontown Online. Toontown Launcher Patcher. Server files for handling a login via the original Toontown Online launcher. Prerequisites: Your own registration page; The Disney's Toontown Online launcher; Instructions: Create a file in your Toontown Launcher directory named 'parameters.txt' Inside of the text document, add the following line. Toontown Online had several Flash-based games, website parts, and advertisements. Some of the Flash games were removed from certain websites before the actual game shut down, and some were still up on the main website after the game had shut down. These Flash-based contents could be found on multiple international websites, such as Toontown Japan, Toontown Germany, etc.

What is Unlimited Launcher?

Unlimited Launcher is a project developed by toons who wanted to give a little back to the Toontown community because it has given us so much. Instead of making another private server to compete we decided to create a fully featured launcher to supplement the already existing private servers. So far we have support for Toontown Infinite but we plan on adding support for other servers, including the upcoming Toontown Legacy. We really hope this is a way to unite the split in the communities, you have the TTI players, the other group and the wild cards who support upcoming servers, someday maybe we can all be just Toontown players, and I really think Unlimited is going to be a step in the right direction.

Who is making Unlimited Launcher?

Our team is composed of 3 core people with a few other guys providing community management and general technical support. The first I would like to name is Atlas. Atlas is the Lead Programmer for Unlimited and is the creator of many of the awesome features like the grouper and the content pack switcher. The project would not be possible without Atlas, and he is a huge asset to the team. Another one of our core members is Relltrem. Relltrem is a moderator for Toontown Infinite and also our designer. He brought you the pretty GUI you get to enjoy every time you open the launcher, and he has many more designs on the way. My name is Gigglescooter, I created the project and am one of the programmers. I manage this website and a lot of the bug reports, plus I’m in the IRC often to help you guys troubleshoot. I like to get down and dirty in the code as often as possible, but I’m a really busy toon and don’t have much time to work on it. I would also like to give the moderators of the IRC some attention, they really helped to shape the community, and bring in more users. I would also like to point out that the Toontown Infinite team has been a gigantic help getting this off the ground and providing support with making this launcher as smooth as possible.

What does Unlimited Launcher do?


Unlimited Launcher does a bunch of stuff, and its only in Beta! Instead of making you read through all my rambling to find out what it does, here’s a simple bullet list.

  • Launch Toontown Infinite
  • Faster than Official Launcher (according to our testers, no actual comparison has been made)
  • Switch Content Packs Easily
  • Update the Launcher
  • Update the Game
  • Group Finder
  • Save Password and Username (3DES Encryption)
  • Helpful Links
  • News Feed
  • Prettyful GUI
  • Less Crashing then Official Launcher

What features do we have planned?

  • Improved GUI
  • Faster Launcher
  • Support for Other Servers
  • Multiple Account Saving
  • Changeable Graphics Renderer
  • Customized Themes
  • More Content Packs
  • Bug Fixes

Toontown Online Launcher Coming Back

What does it look like?

How can I trust you?

We generally have nothing to gain by stealing your password, if we did. I mean it is a free online game. All of your passwords are saved locally, they never leave your computer and they are encrypted with the 3DES standard.

That’s all awesome! How do I get it?

Toontown Online Launcher Download

You can download it right now by heading right over to our downloads page.


How can I support the team?

I’m always open to community support and the best way you can do that is to tell people about the launcher, hang out in our IRC #UnlimitedLauncher on GameSurge, and test out the launcher and report bugs here!

blindsight give me access to #unlimitedlauncher –gigglescooter